Mailgun Email Validator

A Dynamic Action Plugin for Oracle Application Express

Better than just checking whether a user-entered email address conforms to a subset of the range of valid email address formats; the Mailgun jQuery plugin goes further and checks the domain MX records to determine whether the email address is likely to be correct; it even suggests a correction where the email address appears to be incorrect.

Wrapper for the jQuery plugin Mailgun Validator




  1. Download the latest release
  2. Import plugin dynamic_action_plugin_com_mailgun_email_validator.sql to your Apex app
  3. Sign up for a Mailgun account and insert your public API key
  4. On the page with one or more Email Address input items, add a Dynamic Action:
    • Event = Page Load
    • True Action = Mailgun Email Validator [Plug-In]
    • Set Affected Elements (e.g. item name(s), or a jQuery selector)


For more info refer to the WIKI

To validate email addresses from your Oracle database in PL/SQL, try the Mailgun PL/SQL API